Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week of December 21-23, 2009

Kindergarten News
PARENTS: Mrs. Dennis wants to tell you that your children's behavior at the Christmas Program put on by the NSE band/chorus on Friday, Dec. 18th was outstanding. All of the children were well-behaved. They sat and listened and enjoyed the program. Mrs. Dennis was extremely proud of them. Keep it up, kindergarten!
We will review letters, sounds learned to date. We will receive a new word list and practice it in school. Please study these words over the long break (after Christmas, of course).
We will read lots of Christmas books, poems. We will do lots of Christmas activities (i.e. making reindeer food).
On Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, we will watch the movie, "The Polar Express." The children will have hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows and cookies. Best of all, they can dress like the characters in the movie-they can wear their pajamas to school! Due to the very cold temperatures, please send along slippers (and robes, even). We will have a "polar blast."
We will try to do some work in Math, reviewing solid figures and plane shapes. And experimenting with symmetry.
Over the long break, please review the letters we have learned (l,g,m,n,t,o,short a, short i,f, r, s, h,p);the numbers 0-10, counting to 20, shapes, solid figures. Most importantly, read each day for at least 10 minutes.
Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to working with you and your children in 2010.

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